Kristin McLendon

Kristin McLendon: January 2014

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Run This Year 2014

Some may have seen the crazy thing I posted earlier this week on Facebook.... "Run 2014 miles in 2014.  Who's with me?"  (You may have also noticed it's the only thing I've posted this week----I deleted Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter off my phone this week to be more intentional with my boys.  My apologies if you've tried to get ahold of me--I'll be back next week....).

So really...who's with me?  Am I really going to reach 2014 miles in 2014?  It seems like such a lofty goal.  But to be honest with you since finishing my third half marathon for 2013 in November and not being signed up for another race..I've been floundering.  I'm apparently a person that needs goals in their life.  So why not sign up for a big one.  So I'm in.  Not only am I in...I signed up with the big dogs.  I'm joining TEAM #RunThisYear as one of the Ambassadors.  What does that mean?  Basically you'll get to hear from me a lot on this subject and hopefully encourage you along the way!!   I plan on checking in later on this week with my own personal goals for 2014--running & not running--but for now, here are the details for RUN THIS YEAR!!!

Run This Year is an amazing community (FREE!) that encourages and motivates runners to keep on running all year long...and see how many miles you can log in one year!

There are THREE ways to participate!


CHALLENGE 1: Run the year in miles: 2,014 miles in 2014.

Download a sample running calendar to see how it can be done: PDF or XLS.
Breaks down to 5.5 miles every day or 39 miles per week.

CHALLENGE 2: Run the year in kilometers: 2,014 kilometers = 1251.4 miles.

Roughly 3.5 miles every day or 24 miles per week.


Get Your Own Goal! If you join later in the year or are new to running, that’s okay! Participate by selecting a challenging mileage total for yourself and get after it!

This is what I love about this community!  There is a challenge for everyone--no matter your fitness level!

There is a fun place to tell us you are participating--SO CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE COMMUNITY!

And another fun spot to log your miles every week!  Use this form to log 'em!

I will also start using the Daily Mile website again to start logging and my favorite running app is Strava.  So follow along!

Who's excited for 2014 and all that it holds?!?!

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