The first thing I remember from being a little girl is at the age of three when I knew I had a baby sister coming. What stands out in this memory is the fact that Dad and I had a little sports car together...and since the new little sister was coming we had to sell our little sports car. I remember the day we dropped it off together...and from that point on I always remember being Daddy's little girl.
Today I celebrate my dad as it is his 57th birthday! We went home to Richmond Hill this past weekend to surprise him when he flew into the Savannah airport on Friday evening. We had a great time visiting and enjoying fellowship with one another. We so enjoyed just relaxing in the pool and the hot tub and an amazing lasagna one night and an incredible steak dinner the second night cooked by mom. It was quality time that I will always cherish. We left Saturday evening with tears in the eyes as it was hard once again to leave.
Daddy, today may you know how much I love and adore you. You set the standards high for what it means to be a man..standards so high that I would not settle for just an "average" man to be my husband. Thank you for molding me, shaping me, showing me the world, teaching me to step out into the world, allowing me to make my own mistakes, wiping away my tears, holding my hand, and most recently walking me down the aisle and placing my hand in Robert's to become his wife.
I love you daddy.