Jude Robert, You are Four Months Old

My baby!  Where is the time going?
You are Four Months Old!

Over the course of this month we saw your shining
personality come through!  

You are hilarious!
You are ALWAYS smiling!
I call you my smiley baby!

You make the funniest faces and
we love this stage that you are in!
You are so much fun!

This month you discovered your
vocal cords...as you became quite
vocal.  We think you like to talk
to hear yourself talk...and we love it!
Praying you will have a mighty
voice for the Kingdom of God!

You found your thumb for real this month.
It's something you've been toying with,
but as of this month
you have almost completely
replaced your pacifier with 
your thumb. 
Cutest. Thing. I. Ever. Did. See.

You discovered how to roll over...
both ways...
way to go super baby!

You sleep incredibly well.
You know your bed time--on the dot at 7 you
get fussy, in the bath by 7:30, down by 8.
You sleep till anywhere between 6-7,
eat, then go back to sleep till at least 9...
We say, Thank you Jesus!
(You also take a short nap in the morning
and usually about a 2 hour nap in the afternoon!)

You are all over the place when it comes to
size of clothes!  You can still wear some 0-3...
as long as they don't have feet!  You wear most 
3 month and 3-6 month clothes.

We are loving your cloth diapers..
you seem to like them too!
We did take disposables to Summer Camp...
bought size 2, but took the remaining
size 1's we had.  You stayed in the 1's 
all week!

Speaking of camp...you had your first RiverStone Summer Camp!!!
You did so good!  I was so proud of you!
You loved spending the quality time with your dad
over the course of the week...
and of course the entire RiverStone Staff! 
We are so grateful for the family the
Lord has given us here.

You actually turned 4 months old while we
were at camp and we took all these pictures
on the porch of our cabin!
(Camp and camera transferring malfunction is
why this post is getting up so late!)

The buckets of drool appeared during
your 4th month...and the day before
you turned 4 months old (at camp)
you officially started "teething."
*Which made you even more of a champ at camp!*

At your 4 month check up you
weighed in at 14 pounds, 13 ounces...
in the 49th percentile and
you measured in at 25.5 inches long...
still in the 75th percentile.
Speaking of healthy...
you still eat every 3 hours on the dot during the day!

You officially decided you didn't want to be 
a "baby" anymore.  You don't like laying down...
you want to sit up and see the world!  We even
sat you forwards in your jogging stroller at
camp and you LOVED seeing the world!

We discovered your love for toys this month!
You love to play and you can
entertain yourself quite well!
You even fell in love with a walker this month--
but you can only walk backwards. 
It's hilarious...we love to watch you play!

You still love Murphy...
we even have two now...
as Murphy #1 was having to take
too many emergency baths! :)

During this month our dear Paw Paw passed away.
I am so, so, so grateful that Paw Paw got to meet you
before he went home to be with the Lord.  
You and I spent a week of quality time with the family
as Paw Paw passed and you got to meet lots more of
your Aunts, Uncles and cousins!

We love you sweet baby.
Thank you for four beautiful months.
You are a precious gift to us!
Kristin McLendon: Jude Robert, You are Four Months Old

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Jude Robert, You are Four Months Old

My baby!  Where is the time going?
You are Four Months Old!

Over the course of this month we saw your shining
personality come through!  

You are hilarious!
You are ALWAYS smiling!
I call you my smiley baby!

You make the funniest faces and
we love this stage that you are in!
You are so much fun!

This month you discovered your
vocal cords...as you became quite
vocal.  We think you like to talk
to hear yourself talk...and we love it!
Praying you will have a mighty
voice for the Kingdom of God!

You found your thumb for real this month.
It's something you've been toying with,
but as of this month
you have almost completely
replaced your pacifier with 
your thumb. 
Cutest. Thing. I. Ever. Did. See.

You discovered how to roll over...
both ways...
way to go super baby!

You sleep incredibly well.
You know your bed time--on the dot at 7 you
get fussy, in the bath by 7:30, down by 8.
You sleep till anywhere between 6-7,
eat, then go back to sleep till at least 9...
We say, Thank you Jesus!
(You also take a short nap in the morning
and usually about a 2 hour nap in the afternoon!)

You are all over the place when it comes to
size of clothes!  You can still wear some 0-3...
as long as they don't have feet!  You wear most 
3 month and 3-6 month clothes.

We are loving your cloth diapers..
you seem to like them too!
We did take disposables to Summer Camp...
bought size 2, but took the remaining
size 1's we had.  You stayed in the 1's 
all week!

Speaking of camp...you had your first RiverStone Summer Camp!!!
You did so good!  I was so proud of you!
You loved spending the quality time with your dad
over the course of the week...
and of course the entire RiverStone Staff! 
We are so grateful for the family the
Lord has given us here.

You actually turned 4 months old while we
were at camp and we took all these pictures
on the porch of our cabin!
(Camp and camera transferring malfunction is
why this post is getting up so late!)

The buckets of drool appeared during
your 4th month...and the day before
you turned 4 months old (at camp)
you officially started "teething."
*Which made you even more of a champ at camp!*

At your 4 month check up you
weighed in at 14 pounds, 13 ounces...
in the 49th percentile and
you measured in at 25.5 inches long...
still in the 75th percentile.
Speaking of healthy...
you still eat every 3 hours on the dot during the day!

You officially decided you didn't want to be 
a "baby" anymore.  You don't like laying down...
you want to sit up and see the world!  We even
sat you forwards in your jogging stroller at
camp and you LOVED seeing the world!

We discovered your love for toys this month!
You love to play and you can
entertain yourself quite well!
You even fell in love with a walker this month--
but you can only walk backwards. 
It's hilarious...we love to watch you play!

You still love Murphy...
we even have two now...
as Murphy #1 was having to take
too many emergency baths! :)

During this month our dear Paw Paw passed away.
I am so, so, so grateful that Paw Paw got to meet you
before he went home to be with the Lord.  
You and I spent a week of quality time with the family
as Paw Paw passed and you got to meet lots more of
your Aunts, Uncles and cousins!

We love you sweet baby.
Thank you for four beautiful months.
You are a precious gift to us!


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