Jude Robert, You Are Eight Weeks Old

Jude Robert,
You are already
8 weeks old!

What an exciting week for you!
You had your first big holiday
(if you don't count St. Patrick's Day)
with Easter, celebrating our Risen Jesus!
With Easter you attended
church for the very first time.
We loved taking you on such a special day,
all dressed up in your Easter best
to meet your RiverStone family.

The day after Easter, my maternity leave
came to an end and I returned to work...
but you get to come with me.
We couldn't be more blessed and it
helped make the transition a little easier
(I only cried once my first morning back 
and that was before I got there!)
You are such a good baby 
(and everyone in the office loves you and you love them)
that this work situation
is going to work out just fine...
I'm just learning how to type with one hand!

At the very end of your 7th week
you started reaching just a tad...
week 8 had you reaching for the stars!

We introduced you to your owl lovie (or is it lovey?)
and you LOVE it.  You are even partial to it
and aren't interested in anything else we give you.
Your Daddy has named your owl
Murphy...and looks like the name is going to stick!
I love watching you cuddle with your little lovie...
it is the sweetest thing I ever did see.

You met lots of new people this week and we
love introducing you and showing you off!

(Look at that tongue!)

We slowly introduced you to your own bed
and you are now officially spending every night,
all night in your room
(with the exception of the night we had tornadoes 
and horrible storms...I wanted you very close by!)
You seem to like your room
and I actually think you sleep better and harder since you are
minus all the noises (uuhhhhmmm...your puppy and
your daddy snoring).

We pulled out some of your 0-3 month clothes
this week...as I think we're on the tail end of
your newborn clothes fitting.
It's those cutie patootie footed outfits
that you are just getting too long for!
Especially since you like to stretch those long
legs of yours out.
(This onesie is a 0-3 so it's a little big,
but we think you're cute!)

You are precious little one.
Thank you for a beautiful 8 weeks!
Kristin McLendon: Jude Robert, You Are Eight Weeks Old

Monday, May 2, 2011

Jude Robert, You Are Eight Weeks Old

Jude Robert,
You are already
8 weeks old!

What an exciting week for you!
You had your first big holiday
(if you don't count St. Patrick's Day)
with Easter, celebrating our Risen Jesus!
With Easter you attended
church for the very first time.
We loved taking you on such a special day,
to meet your RiverStone family.

The day after Easter, my maternity leave
came to an end and I returned to work...
but you get to come with me.
We couldn't be more blessed and it
helped make the transition a little easier
(I only cried once my first morning back 
and that was before I got there!)
You are such a good baby 
(and everyone in the office loves you and you love them)
that this work situation
is going to work out just fine...
I'm just learning how to type with one hand!

At the very end of your 7th week
you started reaching just a tad...
week 8 had you reaching for the stars!

We introduced you to your owl lovie (or is it lovey?)
and you LOVE it.  You are even partial to it
and aren't interested in anything else we give you.
Your Daddy has named your owl
Murphy...and looks like the name is going to stick!
I love watching you cuddle with your little lovie...
it is the sweetest thing I ever did see.

You met lots of new people this week and we
love introducing you and showing you off!

(Look at that tongue!)

We slowly introduced you to your own bed
and you are now officially spending every night,
all night in your room
(with the exception of the night we had tornadoes 
and horrible storms...I wanted you very close by!)
You seem to like your room
and I actually think you sleep better and harder since you are
minus all the noises (uuhhhhmmm...your puppy and
your daddy snoring).

We pulled out some of your 0-3 month clothes
this week...as I think we're on the tail end of
your newborn clothes fitting.
It's those cutie patootie footed outfits
that you are just getting too long for!
Especially since you like to stretch those long
legs of yours out.
(This onesie is a 0-3 so it's a little big,
but we think you're cute!)

You are precious little one.
Thank you for a beautiful 8 weeks!


At May 3, 2011 at 12:46 PM , Blogger A Cup Bearer said...

He IS the most darling thing I've ever seen!!!


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