28 weeks...

According to Baby Center:

By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

28 week highlights:

Little Hoot will be here so soon!!! Kristin McLendon: 28 weeks...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

28 weeks...

According to Baby Center:

By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

28 week highlights:
  • Cravings-nothing specific, but I've had my fair share of sweet stuff this week!
  • Belly Button-The Robert reports says there is an increase of 0.5% making the grand total to 96.5% outie.
  • Sleep-did not sleep well at all during this week.  Maybe it was the anticipation of Christmas or missing the ocean outside my window...regardless, it was a rough week when it came to sleep.
  • Symptoms-The word "uncomfortable" entered into my vocabulary during this week.  Started feeling some pain and pressure (that all the "books" say is "normal") that made me decide to make my upcoming week off a "staycation."  I didn't feel comfortable traveling by myself since Robert had to work.
  • Movement-Little Hoot definitely has his/her routine down.  I can't wait to lay eyes on this little one and our family get into a routine together.
  • Other 28 week highlights:
    • Had our monthly doctors visit--Little Hoot's heartbeat is a steady 150.
      • Our next visit is only 3 weeks away, then after that they move to every two weeks.  Time is flying!
    • Found out we passed our Glucose Test (which we took during week 27).  Thanking Jesus for this one as I took it the morning after our youth Christmas parties and I wasn't convinced I'd pass.  So, so grateful I did.
  • Best Moment of the week:  We had our last Christmas as a family of two...though Little Hoot was a huge part of this years Christmas!  We got our car seat (thanks McMom and McDad!)--so now we can legally bring Little Hoot home.  We got such sweet little clothes that I keep cuddling and my mom and dad gave us my Peter Rabbit tea set from when I was little.  This has been in my parents china cabinet and I had no idea they would pass this on to us.  Mom and I both cried when I unwrapped it. 

Little Hoot will be here so soon!!!


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