Happy Birthday Dana!

Over 4 years ago the Lord blessed me with a group of incredible godly women!  We met in a hotel room at a conference in Kansas City and stayed at what was suppose to be a Marriott--which was not---it was a Crappiott--therefore we have been known as the Crappiott Crew ever since!

We have been through a lot together--4 years ago we were all single--now there are 2 husbands and a baby, but we still love how the Lord uses us to encourage and build one another up.  Today is one of those special girls birthday---DANA!  Enjoy your day my friend!  We love you!

In the beginning:

Over the years:

Our Most Recent adventure--to the farm:

I know there are so many more pictures I could post--and Crappiotts, please feel free to send them over and I'll get them up (I think I lost a few with a computer crashing last summer!)  But, Dana, know we love you and enjoy you!! And this one is just for fun: 

Kristin McLendon: Happy Birthday Dana!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Dana!

Over 4 years ago the Lord blessed me with a group of incredible godly women!  We met in a hotel room at a conference in Kansas City and stayed at what was suppose to be a Marriott--which was not---it was a Crappiott--therefore we have been known as the Crappiott Crew ever since!

We have been through a lot together--4 years ago we were all single--now there are 2 husbands and a baby, but we still love how the Lord uses us to encourage and build one another up.  Today is one of those special girls birthday---DANA!  Enjoy your day my friend!  We love you!

In the beginning:

Over the years:

Our Most Recent adventure--to the farm:

I know there are so many more pictures I could post--and Crappiotts, please feel free to send them over and I'll get them up (I think I lost a few with a computer crashing last summer!)  But, Dana, know we love you and enjoy you!! And this one is just for fun: 


At April 7, 2009 at 6:39 PM , Blogger The executive said...

Wow! Happy Birthday Dana! Dana thanks for being such a committed friend, who loves, listens, and prays for each of us!

It amazes me how the Lord put us together for such a time as this...that we may sharpen each other and grow through the different stages of life!

When I think about our relationships it reminds me of Moses and His armor bearers...holding up Moses' arms in times when he could hold them up by himself...each of us..have had moments like this..and I know that you girls are there in a heart beat!

I am encouraged to see how through thick and thin...we have maintained a sense of loyalty and commitment to walk the road of salvation as brothers and sisters..who are children of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

I look forward to the greater years ahead! Adding more boys and babies to the mix!! Ha!

Love you girls greatly...and the boys too!

Happy Birthday Dana! For you were born for such a time as this...raising the standard of a wreck less abandonment to the lifestyle of fasting, prayer, and discipleship...as you also participate in raising up an army committed whole heartedly to the Lord!

You go Girl! Love you! Mandy

At April 8, 2009 at 1:19 PM , Blogger Ashley Moore said...

Love it Kristin!
Happy Birthday Dana!


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